The Rebirth Collection
Giving new life to archived prints.
This collection, brought to life through gratitude for these women, was a conscious introspective moment in a world thrown into chaos and a deep respect for our Mother Earth's own delicate equilibrium.
Recycled, re-purposed and reborn.
These women are my coven. My inner sanctum. My elemental cornerstones. Each with a different kind of magic within her that supports, nourishes and nurtures me. They are each and everything it means to be a woman. And they are everything to me.
My Rebirth Collection is my romantic reminiscing of travels, faces and places past, but most importantly of the journey. And my journey from the creation of these pieces so many moons ago, to where and who I am today would be so much less vibrant without these women.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I needed my armour. The courage and strength and determination she has shown in spite of everything is something she forgets sometimes – this is to remind you sweetheart!
Playful, naughty and with zero filter, I find Livvy's courage captivating - she epitomises the word freedom for me. Her child-like temperament brings equilibrium between my heart and my mind and often says what everyone else is thinking but wouldn't dare to say.
A knowledgeable and calming Earth Mama, KJ Has been by my side both at CAMILLA and through some crazy adventures. Nurturing and calm. Stable. Dependable. Like a sister that empowers others and does it with grace and joy.
Inventive and creative, clever and kind. Balanced. Spiritual. Veronika can be the zephyr or the hurricane I need to help me unleash. We wandered wildly together. I’ve seen her blossom into the most beautiful earth angel and the most incredible mama bear.
This collection, brought to life through gratitude for these women, was a conscious introspective moment in a world thrown into chaos and a deep respect for our Mother Earth's own delicate equilibrium.
Recycled, re-purposed and reborn.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
These women are my coven. My inner sanctum. My elemental cornerstones. Each with a different kind of magic within her that supports, nourishes and nurtures me. They are each and everything it means to be a woman. And they are everything to me.
My Rebirth Collection is my romantic reminiscing of travels, faces and places past, but most importantly of the journey. And my journey from the creation of these pieces so many moons ago, to where and who I am today would be so much less vibrant without these women.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I needed my armour. The courage and strength and determination she has shown in spite of everything is something she forgets sometimes – this is to remind you sweetheart!
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
Playful, naughty and with zero filter, I find Livvy's courage captivating - she epitomises the word freedom for me. Her child-like temperament brings equilibrium between my heart and my mind and often says what everyone else is thinking but wouldn't dare to say.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
A knowledgeable and calming Earth Mama, KJ Has been by my side both at CAMILLA and through some crazy adventures. Nurturing and calm. Stable. Dependable. Like a sister that empowers others and does it with grace and joy.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
Inventive and creative, clever and kind. Balanced. Spiritual. Veronika can be the zephyr or the hurricane I need to help me unleash. We wandered wildly together. I’ve seen her blossom into the most beautiful earth angel and the most incredible mama bear.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
This collection, brought to life through gratitude for these women, was a conscious introspective moment in a world thrown into chaos and a deep respect for our Mother Earth's own delicate equilibrium.
Recycled, re-purposed and reborn.
These women are my coven. My inner sanctum. My elemental cornerstones. Each with a different kind of magic within her that supports, nourishes and nurtures me. They are each and everything it means to be a woman. And they are everything to me.
My Rebirth Collection is my romantic reminiscing of travels, faces and places past, but most importantly of the journey. And my journey from the creation of these pieces so many moons ago, to where and who I am today would be so much less vibrant without these women.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I need war paint or softened me when I felt vulnerable. A communicator that coaxes out my innermost thoughts and empowers me with them.
Noni is the healing hands that have delicately painted me when I needed my armour. The courage and strength and determination she has shown in spite of everything is something she forgets sometimes – this is to remind you sweetheart.
Playful, naughty and with zero filter, I find Livvy's courage captivating - she epitomises the word freedom for me. Her child-like temperament brings equilibrium between my heart and my mind and often says what everyone else is thinking but wouldn't dare to say.
Expressive and passionate. Outspoken. Courageous. Livvy in her fiery temperament brings equilibrium between my heart and my mind and often says what everyone else is thinking but wouldn’t dare to say. She brings rejuvenation where she goes.
Earth Mama. Organised and consistent. Nurturing and calm. Stable. Dependable. KJ is my subconscious thought. Always there, always championing the right thing to do. A balancing act of mother and boss and a thought leader with patience in abundance.
A knowledgeable and calming Earth Mama, KJ Has been by my side both at CAMILLA and through some crazy adventures. Nurturing and calm. Stable. Dependable. Like a sister that empowers others and does it with grace and joy.
Balanced. Spiritual. Veronika can be the zephyr or the hurricane I need to help me unleash. Many of my footprints left all over the world have hers side by side. A deep and contemplative thinker that provokes my own curious side into action..
Inventive and creative, clever and kind. Balanced. Spiritual. Veronika can be the zephyr or the hurricane I need to help me unleash. We wandered wildly together. I’ve seen her blossom into the most beautiful earth angel and the most incredible mama bear.