Mini Skirts
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Skimming your pins in thigh-grazing lengths, the CAMILLA mini skirt is for those who dare to bare. Calling to an untamed soul whose ready to throw the rulebook to the wind, our mini skirts for women are made for head-turning, jaw-dropping awe.
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Encapsulated by the spirit of bohemia, delve into our collection of mini skirts as they dip into a spectrum of vivid hues, eye-catching prints and classic patterns reimagined. It’s the silk mini skirt but blissfully billowed into shirred accents, ruffled hemlines and hip-hugging sensation. Brought to life by our team of in-house artisans, adorn yourself in a mini skirt that’s hand-embellished with crystals by expert craftsmen.
Effortlessly versatile and tantalisingly transeasonal, CAMILLA’s mini skirts for women leave convention at the door with inspiration adorned from all nooks of the globe. From distant savannahs that come alive with big cat majesty to the depths of towering rainforests rich with blooming botanicals - invite a taste of Mother Earth’s majesty into your capsule wardrobe with your next mini skirt.
Found the mini skirt your dreams are made of? Discover our complete collection of skirts, or explore our curations of breath-taking maxis and midis.