Breast Cancer Awareness Month
They say that you have two lives. The second one starts when you realise you only have one.
October is a particularly poignant and powerful time, as it signifies Breast Cancer Awareness Month. For me, it’s a special time of year because it’s when I pull my focus back to what is important to me – raising awareness and support for the National Breast Cancer Foundation.
My diagnosis came after perhaps the happiest few months of my life. I'd been travelling this beautiful country of ours, working on the AUSTRALIA collection, with my partner JP and my 8-week-old daughter, Luna. My whole world exploded in that moment.
I’ve certainly learnt a lot and evolved as a woman since the fateful day of my diagnosis. Since having my breasts, ovaries and fallopian tubes removed I have had to learn ‘the art of letting go’. I have learnt how to nurture my body, to love it every day and to prioritise healing in all its glorious forms.
By being open about my experience with breast cancer, I hope to inspire action. My story is no different to so many others, but if I can continue to raise hope, awareness and funds, then I will use my voice and advocate wherever I can.
As human beings, sharing our truths and our story is crucial in fighting the fight. I want people everywhere to know and understand that there is hope, there is light, and there is an army of women offering their support standing right beside you, holding you up in spirit.
In 2022, over 20,000 Australians will be diagnosed with breast cancer. Around 1000 of those diagnosed are women aged under 40. That is about 3 women under 40 years old diagnosed every day. It’s the second most commonly diagnosed cancer in Australia and the most common cancer among females. In the last 10 years, breast cancer diagnoses in Australia have increased by 33%.
Investing in breast cancer research truly saves lives. Please, donate to the National Breast Cancer Foundation wherever you can, and aid in finding the cure and ending the suffering of millions of families affected by this disease. They rely completely on community donations to fund their research, which is something a lot of people don’t realise.
The goal is zero deaths by 2030, and I whole heartedly believe that we can get there.
The CAMILLA story is bigger than fashion. That's why we donate $1 from every online order to one of three charities through i=Change. Together we have raised $481,293 and counting.