The Power Of Flowers
It seems florals are a key trend amongst the Mad Manor's A-list. Bright and beautiful or moodily romantic, it seems the flower power movement is here to stay. Here you'll find the symbolism behind all the beautiful blooms depicted throughout our collection.
Dahlia's are undeniably beautiful and unique - symbolising grace, inner strength and standing out of the crowd.
Traditionally gifted when in the height of romance, Forget Me Nots are perennial flowers that symbolise a lasting connection that endures all of time.
Talking to romance, compassion, good luck and marriage, Peony Roses are an amorous flower that represent beauty and love.
A timeless bloom that has been symbolic of romance since bygone times, the Rose speaks to love, passion and devotion.
Fascination and adoration are known to be attributed to the Carnation. Big and bold, these blossom unapologetically, enamouring all those that catch a glimpse.